Since today was MLK Day, we couldn't get too much information regarding the current status for closing as far as times and details like that. As far as we know, everything is still set to take place on Wednesday so I am really glad for that. Cannot wait until we are finally rid of it. While I miss Florida, I'm so ready to no longer have a financial tie to the place.
Today was just a regular week day for me. Woke up, did some house chores, started on the laundry, cooked dinner and now I'm winding down for the night. I did give Mike a hair cut today. Cut it shorter since in April, he plans to shave his head completely bald. Like, shiny bald! Not sure how it'll look but I know he wants to see what it will look like and since his hair appears to grow quickly, I think it'll be back to relatively normal length by the end of the year. One can hope anyway! :)
Something I don't think I can ever get used to out here is the intense fog. Like right now, I can barely see the Great Wheel which is giant and right in front of the apartment building. It's THAT intense! According to the weather channel, we are experiencing something called "stagnant air" that will hopefully dissipate once rains return later in the week.
I guess that's all for my update. I'm thinking I may try to take photos daily and upload those to my blog, especially when nothing particularly interesting goes on. That way, you aren't reading a boring recap of my day.
So with that, some photos from today! And yes, I'm aware that Mike seldom takes normal pictures :)
I think adding pictures to your blog is great...I personally LOVE looking at pictures! :)
Aww, I'm glad you like the photos! I have been trying to get some daily but it's not always the easiest task :)