Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Short n Sweet!

One of the only downsides to not having a job and keeping a blog is that there isn't all that much to report on an average day.  Sometimes, I feel inspired and come up with a topic but others, like tonight, I just don't have the energy to even try.  Which is sad because I really didn't do all that much!

When Mike and I got back from Florida, we agreed to set up a menu for meals for the week so that I don't have to plan everything completely on my own.  I must say that I absolutely LOVE this plan because it allows us to both have a say in what is for dinner or lunch and the burden is not placed on one person (namely me because in the past, when I asked Mike what he wanted, the answer was usually, "I don't know"). So here we are at week three of keeping a menu and I can say with complete confidence that my culinary skills have been rocking lately! Not to mention that because we plan on Sundays, for the week, we have a lot more fresh options which limits the pre-packaged meals and makes for much healthier dinners. 

Today was one of the warmer days.  Warmed up to the mid 40s in fact.  I know that most of my audience is probably from Florida and right now, must think I'm nuts but hear me out! Temperature here is so much different from temperature there.  I will admit that 60 degrees in Florida feels way colder than 60 degrees here.  Why? Because Florida has more clear days and Seattle has more cloudy days.  I think the clouds create a barrier and therefore it stays rather comfortable even if the temperature is below 50.  I'd be lying if I said I didn't go out in shorts out here when it is 50 degrees out.   I wouldn't dare do that in Florida though! And yes, while Seattle is cloudy more and slightly drizzly, that's about the extent of the "rainy" weather.  People allow themselves to believe what the TV says about a certain place and that's it.  Nevermind the fact that the places in question have people living there that know what they are talking about when it comes to the climate. I can't tell you how many people in Florida still ask how the rain is and when I tell them we average less rain a year than Orlando does, they proceed to tell me how wrong I am.  I challenge any one of you to come out here for a year and see it for yourselves!

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