Monday, January 21, 2013

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to Olympia We Went!

I really need to make it a point to type a little something up while it still is the day I am posting about.  Definitely something I will work on!

Today was such a fun day.  Started with waking up, getting ready and then driving the hour south to Tumwater to spend time with our near and dear friends, Jacob and Suzanne.  It has been SO long since I had seen Suzanne.... about six months! It was great to see her and Jacob.  They're like an extended part of our family and I wouldn't have it any other way! If money allows in the future, I want to move closer to them and Tumwater is such a beautiful city.

After we got to their house, we loaded up in Jacob's car and drove the quick ten minutes or so to Olympia to have lunch at King Solomon's Reef.  I'd say the highlight of that little trip happened at a red light near the restaurant. A crazy lady was crossing the street and she flicked us off for no apparent reason.  Had we not all had looks of shock on our faces, I bet one of us would have pulled out a camera to snap of photo of psycho bitch.  Definitely a sign that you're in crazy, quirky Olympia!

Lunch was delicious.  I had what I consider to be the best veggie omelette I've ever eaten. We will definitely visit it again the next time we are in Olympia (which isn't too often as it is an hour away and traffic within Seattle can be a little crazy).

After we got back to their house, the boys went and played around writing music and such while Suzanne baked some amazing Oatmeal cookies.  The best thing about that part was our girl chat.  I love our talks.  She is one of the best listeners ever and offers great opinions and advice.  We tend to bounce a lot of our emotions and opinions off on each other since we both kind of understand what the other feels as we moved across the country for our spouses, In the end, we both walk away feeling great about what we talked about. Couldn't ask for a better person to share feelings and emotions with.

Jacob cooked us an amazing dinner; portobello mushroom steaks and a pasta alfredo.  Super delicious and a recipe I plan to replicate in the very near future.  I love new things and it was probably one of the most flavorful mushroom dishes I've ever eaten-- and the fact that Mike enjoyed it too makes it worth keeping around.

After dinner, we played this board game called Alhambra. I actually heard about it on this show on YouTube called TableTop with Wil Wheaton.  He has quite a few games on there that he records and puts up so people like us can see the gameplay and decide from that, whether or not we may be interested in a game.  It's so entertaining to watch and actually makes me want to expand our game library.

The drive home was pretty quick as it was pretty late on a Sunday so traffic wasn't much of a concern.  It got really foggy making visibility poor in some areas but we made it safe and sound.  Now, I'm pretty well unwound and ready for a nice and peaceful slumber.  Talk to you guys tomorrow!


  1. Sounds like a great time! Glad you were able to get away and bond with your friend for a day. XOXO

