Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Beginning the Journey of PCOS

This may be a little bit of TMI but honestly, I don't care as it's my blog and if you're reading it, you're making the decision to do so.

So for most of my life, I've been a bit.... irregular.  No big deal, it's normal. In the recent weeks I've actually learned HOW normal it is.  Like a 1 in 20 women normal.  Anyway, after a BUNCH of blood tests, I learned that I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). It's not quite as bad for me as for some people.  I have a lot less of the male hormone than a lot of PCOS women.  But I have enough which is causing my body to freak out a little bit.

I was lucky to meet an amazing group of women at Pacific Northwest Fertility who are going to help me along my journey to finally getting pregnant (and having the baby stick, rather than miscarry).  I've taken the first steps by getting into an exercise routine and losing 11lbs in the first month.  That's an amazing accomplishment for me.  I've been overweight for a long time.  Granted not SUPER overweight but enough that it was increasing my blood pressure and some of my numbers.  I then did some googling (WHICH YOU SHOULD NEVER DO- I'm working hard to stop as it's causing me more anxiety and making me distrust my own physician's diagnoses) and learned about PCOS and how many overweight women develop something called Insulin Resistance which is pretty much prediabetes.  I decided that I don't want that to happen to me so I took it as a sign and jumped on the exercising bandwagon and began the 5K101. Just doing that three times a week combined with my usual day to day activities has gotten me to lose enough weight to drop my BP back to normal and regulate most of my numbers to put me back into the healthy range. I am still a little overweight but I overall feel great and I plan to continue exercising until I reach my goal weight.

Another thing that I think is rather unusual for me is my faith.   I grew up with really no education about religion or God.  I just learned what I could from friends and of course, the Internet.  I had a phase where I didn't believe in God, to where I believed in some sort of a power and now to where I am at this moment.  During all the testing and anxiety that I was feeling in the last few weeks, I found myself sitting on the bed rocking myself and crying because I was so scared of hearing bad news (due to googling everything which is why I say to STOP).  Finally, I just tried praying for I think the first time (aside from what they had us do in preschool and the superficial prayers). I don't know if that's what did it but I felt such a sense of relief and comfort.  I know I'm going to get knocked for saying these things but I feel better because I feel like I am going to be taken care of.  Not that Mike doesn't do a terrific job taking care of me but you know what I mean.  Sometimes, you just need that extra support and I feel like I have it.